Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Warm Welcome to Hamza Muazzam Ali on his arrival at Gulbarga

Br Hamza Muazzam Ali received a warm welcome on his arrival at Gulbarga for the first time after assuming the office of Secretary Halqa (State) Karnataka SIO, on Tuesday at Railway Station by members of SIO lead by Br Gouse Qadri, Br Zaheeruddin, Br Zia ul Haq. Mohammed Ziaullah, President JIH Gulbarga and other SIO members were present. In the brief program organized at Hamzas residence President JIH, Dr Muazzam Ali, Member Local Advisory Council JIH Gulbarga and father of Hamza and others expressed great pleasure for assuming the great responsibility and prayed Allah to give him strength and ability to lead the organization. 

Hamza Muazzam Ali hailing from Gulbarga is M.Tech in Medical Instrumentation. Earlier he served as ZAC Karnataka member

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Speech Competition & Exhibition

As part of GIO`s sate wide campaign the Gulbarga Unit organized speech competition for High School & College girls. The competition was held in Anjuman Taraqi e Urdu Hall in which nominated girl students from different schools and colleges participated.

"Modesty-My Refelection" 
was the topic given to High school students. 
The winners were
First Prize:   Miss Syeda Noushan Sultana of AlAmeen School Jeelanabad
Second Prize:    Miss Shifya Haneef of Tiny Pearls School
Third Prize:       Miss Amat us Saboor Kausar of Gulshan e Atfal School

"How to promote environment of Modesty & Chastity in Educational Institutions" 
was topic given to College Students and 
The winner was
Miss Hina Kausar of Shaheen College Gulbarga

The winners were awarded with trophies and gift in the public program held on Saturday the 8th Dec 2012 at Dr SM Pandit Rang Mandir in the presence of huge gathering.

Models & Posters exhibited 

GIO Public Meet on "Modesty: My Reflection"

نوجوان لڑکیوں میں حیا کاشعور بیدار کرنے کی ذمہ داری والدین کی ہے۔

جی آئی اؤ کی جانب سے منائی گئی ’’حیا- میر اعکس‘‘

 مہم کے اختتامی پروگرام سے مدیحہ افشاں اور ڈاکٹر ناصحہ تبسم کا خطاب

حیاکا مطلب پردہ نہیں بلکہ شرم ہے جو کہ عورت کا زیور ہے جس کے ذریعہ عورت سنورتی ہے۔ حیا ایمان کا جز ہے اور ایمان کی ستر شاخوں میں سے ایک ہے جو نمایا ہوکر نظر آتا ہے۔ ایمان کا جز ہونے کے ناطے وہ ہماری فطرت میں ہے اسی لئے اسلام نے اسی فطرت پر رہنے کی ترغیب دیتے ہوئے حکم دیتا ہے کہ بے حیائی کے قریب بھی نہ جاؤ۔ ان خیالات کو محترمہ مدیحہ افشاں، ریاستی صدر گرلز اسلامک آرگنائزیشن کرناٹک نے بروز ہفتہ شہر کے ایس ایم پنڈت رنگ مندر میں جی آئی اؤ گلبرگہ کی جانب سے چلائی گئی دس روزہ مہم ’’حیا- میر اعکس‘‘ کے اختتامی پروگر م میں صدارتی خطاب کرتے ہوئے کیا۔ آپ نے کہا کہ ہر دین کی ایک نمایاں پہچان ہوتی ہے ۔اسلام کی نمایاں پہچان حیا ہے۔ آج کے مادّہ پرستانہ دور میں اپنی خواہشات سے زیادہ محبت ہے۔ ہم فرنیچر ، موبائیل، شامپو وغیرہ خرید تے ہیں تو اچھے سے اچھی چیز خرید نے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں۔ اسلام نے عورت کے حیا کو بہترین زیور قرار دیا ہے ۔ لیکن اسکی طرف ہماری زیادہ توجہ نہیں ہوتی۔ آج ریالیٹی شوکے نام پر عورت کو بے عزت کیا جارہا ہے، انٹرنیٹ، موبائیل نیٹورک وغیرہ میں عورت کو عریاں کیا جارہا ہے۔ اشتہارات میں عورت کا بے جا استعمال کیا جارہا ہے۔یہ تمام چیزیں عورت کو immoralاور بے حیا بنارہی ہیں۔ جبکہ ایمان کا تقاضہ ہے کہ حیا کو اپنا زیور بنائیں۔ قرآن نے شعیب ؑ کی دو بیٹیوں کا ذکر باحیا لڑکیوں کے طور پر پیش کرتا ہے۔ آپ نے نوجوان لڑکیوں کو مشورہ دیا کہ بے وجہ مردوں کے ساتھ کام نہ کریں۔آپ نے حضرت عثمانؓ کا ذکر کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ آپ کی صفت حیا کے سلسلے میں نبی کریم ﷺ نے کہا تھا کہ مرد اتنے شرمسار ہیں تو عورتوں کو کتنا ہونا چاہئے۔ مدیحہ افشاں نے کہا کہ امت کی خواتین ہونے کے ناطے ہمارا فرض ہے کہ ہم اپنی نگاہوں کو نیچی رکھیں، بجنے والی چیزوں کے استعمال سے پرہیز کریں اور خوشبو کا استعمال نہ کریں۔
            ’’فحاشی و عریانیت کی موجودہ صورت حال :اسباب اور علاج‘‘ کے عنوان پر تقریر کرتے ہوئے ڈاکٹر ناصحہ تبسم ، میڈیکل آفیسر، ٹیپو سلطان میٹرنیٹی و جنرل اسپتا ل گلبرگہ نے کہا کہ مغرب کی ہر چیز بری نہیں ہے لیکن ہم مغرب سے اچھی چیزوں کو کم بری چیزوں کو زیادہ لیتے ہیں۔ ٹی وی، انٹرنیٹ، موبائیل حقیقت میں برے نہیں ہے بلکہ ان کا بیجا استعمال برا ہے۔ د ر اصل یہ جدیدذزرائعے اللہ کی نعمت ہیں ان کا استعمال کلمہ کی بلندی اور اچھے کاموں کے لیئے کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ آپ نے کہا کہ جس طرح کے ماحول میں ہم رہ رہے ہیں اس کی وجہ سے آج نوجوان نسل میں پاکدامنی کا شعور کم ہوتا جارہا ہے۔والدین کی یہ ذمہ داری ہونی چاہئے کے اس شعور کو بیدار کریں۔ آج معاشرہ میں برائی عام ہوتی جارہی ہے ۔ اس کی اہم وجہ یہ ہے کہ ہم برائیوں کو دیکھ کر ان کو روکنے کے بجائے ان کو پہلے برداشت کرلیتے ہیں اور کچھ عرصے کے بعد وہ برائی برائیوں میں شمار نہیں کی جاتی اور پھر ہم خود اس کوا پنانے میں عار نہیں سمجھتے۔ اس لئے ہماری یہ کوشش ہونی چاہئے کہ برائی کا صحیح شعور حاصل کرلیں۔ ڈاکٹر ناصحہ نے کہا کہ آج مسلمان عورتوں میں نوکری کا رجہان بڑھ رہا ہے۔ یہ اصل میں مغربی تہذیب سے متاثر ہوکر ہی اس کی شروعات ہوئی۔ ان تمام مسائل کے حل کے لئے ضروری ہے کہ خواتین بلخصوص نوجوان لڑکیوں کے اندر نسوانیت کی اہمیت کو اجاگر کیا جائے۔ ان کو بد نگاہی، فحاشی وغیرہ کے نتائج سے واقف کرایا جائے۔ آپ نے ترغیب دلائی کہ نماز ایک ایسی عبادت ہے جو فحاشی کو روکتی ہے ۔ آپ نے ایک حدیث کا حوالہ دیتے ہوئے کہا کہ نفس کو جانوروں کی طرح آذاد نہ چھوڑا جائے بلکہ اسکو قابو میں رکھا جائے۔مرد و زن کے اختلاط کو روکا جائے۔ آپ نے کہا کہ ایک زمانہ تھا کہ انسانوں کو دنیا میں اللہ اور معاشرہ سے ڈر محسوس ہوتا تھا لیکن آج انسانوں میں سے اللہ کے خوف کو نکالا گیا ہے اور مادہ پرستانہ زندگی معاشرہ کے خوف کو بھی نکا ل دیا ہے۔
            پروگرام کا آغاز امۃ الصبور کی تلاوت قرآن مجید سے ہوا۔ محترمہ ربعہ خانم ، رکن شوری جی آئی اؤ کرناٹک نے افتتاحی کلمات پیش کرتے ہوئے جی آئی اؤ کی جانب سے منائی گئی ریاستی مہم کے اغراض و مقاصد بتاتیہوئے اس مہم کے دوران شہر میں انجام دی گئی سرگرمیوں کا ذکر کیا۔
            پروگرام میں حمیرہ یاسمین نے ایک ترانہ پڑھا اور جی آئی اؤ گلبرگہ کی جانب سے ایک سبق انگیز ڈرامہ حیا کے عنوان پر پیش کیا گیا۔
            خطاب عام کی مناسبت سے اسی مقام پر ایک اسلامی نمائش کا احتمام کیا گیا جس میں چارٹس، ماڈلس کے ذریعہ اسلامی تعلیمات میں حیا کے تصور کو واضح کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی۔ شہر و اطراف کی بہت ساری لڑکیوں و خواتین اس پروگرام میں شریک رہے اور بہترین تاثرات پیش کرتے ہوئے اور حیا کی اہمیت کو جانتے اور اس کو اپنی زندگی میں اپنانے کے عزم سے شریک ہوئے۔

Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Modesty-My Reflection" state wide campaign starts on 30th November 2012

GIO Gulbarga is organizing 10 day campaign from 30th November to 9th December 2012


  • Spread the message of modesty on the basis of Quran and sunnah
  • Create awareness about true chastity and uprightness among the Girls and Women
  • Make Girls and youth adherent of Modesty
  • Eradicate the increasing influence of western culture, nudity and vulgarity
  • Strive for the awareness of challenges to shyness and modesty in present wold

As part of the campaign

  • Training program to the associates of GIO to convey the message and prepare them to take up the campaign 
  • Individual and Collective meetings with common young girls and women
  • Distribution of folders in large quantities.
  • Programs at Mohalla / locality level 
  • Programs at Girls/Women Hostels, Schools and Colleges
  • Speech competition for High School and College level Girls
  • Public Meeting on Saturday, the 8th December, 2012 from 11.00
  • Exhibition related to the main theme on the day and venue of the public program
At all these programs only Girls and Women are allowed.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

GIO program in Gulbarga: Call for developing Islamic Virtues

The world is full of evils. One has to put all his/her efforts to free from these evils. The purpose of this life is to serve the Almighty Allah, the creator. This is possible by obeying his commandments. These were the thoughts expressed by Ms Rabia Khanam, Member State advisory council, GIO Karnataka while addressing the huge gathering of Girl students and women. 

Ms Seema Kuasar, Hubli, Member State advisory council, GIO Karnataka called upon the young girls to inculcate Islamic virtues and exhibit their best moral character the field of their choice.

The Girls presented a heart rendering  play to depict the love and affiliation of worldly desires, staying away from deen (religion), and expecting their life to be long lasting and completely unaware of time of death.

The Future of the Nation lies is in the hands of Teacher: Md Faheemuddin

The noble responsibility of taking the nation on the progressive path lies in the hands of Teachers said Moulana Mohammed Faheemuddin, Member State Advisory Council, JIH Karnataka, while addressing the teachers in a program organized by Gulbarga unit of AIITA on 28th April 2012. The teacher while teaching the students about the heart, eye, ear, nose, brain, maths, physics etc should also teach them about their creator, the almighty Allah. And at the same time they should bring in strong belief in the existence of the life after death. The one who inculcate this belief will definitely serve the society and humanity with the sense of responsibility and the fear of accountability to God. He called upon the teachers to bring change in their pupil in such a way that when such person dies, the whole of community is filled with tears for the services he rendered, as against the moment when the child is born crying and the people celebrating its arrival.

Presiding over the function Jb Mohammed Ziaullah, President JIH Gulbarga said the Almighty Allah SWT has put on mulsim a greater responsibility of changing ill affected society. He said the Indian society is plagued with in-equality, un-touchability, and immorality, not respecting elders, accepting the trends of homosexuality and surrogacy and it is progressing towards moral anarchy. The teaching community under whom the future generation is groomed, has the responsibility to bring in them the awareness to change the society to free from these evils. He said the concerted effort has been made to introduce in human, illogical material in the text books which creates hat redness among the pupil. The AIIT, All India Ideal Teachers Association is striving to bring in positive change in the education system and called upon the teachers to get associated with it. High School teacher of Maths and Science from North Karnataka, who were in the city for evaluation work attended the program

Sunday, April 22, 2012

JIH Gulbarga delegation visits Ferozabad & meets deceased

Karnataka state Government has declared 176 Talukas as drought hit and the Chief Minister often issue statements about the government efforts in resolving water scarcity problems. The dismal situation of at least some places tells a different story. For instance, the tragic death of five persons on, of Ferozabad Village of Gulbarga Taluk.

In Ferozabad Village cleaning work of 30 feet deep 6 feet wide government Well was undertaken under MNREGA scheme on 17th April 2012, as the villagers state. To remove water a diesel pump was lowered to 20 feet depth. The smoke of pump covered the whole Well & because of no Oxygen three labourers died one after the other by suffocation. Two more persons who went down to save them also died, one of them was Panchayat member.

The incident was brought to the Government authorities and pursued the case for compensations to the bereaved families. As a result the District Commissioner Gulbarga granted the ex gratia of Rs 1.5 Lakh to each affected family. The cheques were issues the same evening. The Secretary Zilla Panchayat has assured them of providing  houses to them.

The deceased were identified as Sharanappa s/o Shantappa 18 year old PUC student , Chidananda aged 22 son of a widow Putalibai, Basavaraj aged 21 son of widow Ambavva, Ayatullah aged 22 son of a widow Daulatbi and the Gram Panchayat member Abdul Hameed Patel aged 50. 

The delegation included Md. Yousuf Kanni, Area co-ordinator, JIH Gulbarga, Zakir Hussain, Dr. Md. Khaja Kalgi & Md. Yousuf Khan, Convenor Welfare Party of India, Gulbarga.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Introduce Islam to the World In Better way : Moulan Yousuf Islahi

The plight of Umma in the present scenario reflects the saying of Prophet Muhammed PBUM that the day will come when it will be attacked by the united opponents as the hungry men attack the dining table. Companions(R) asked, they will be in lesser numbers. The Prophet said “No”, they will be in large numbers but will be without influence and weight. He said it will be due to fear of death and love for the worldly desires. The community which fears death is the dead community. The community dares the evil survives. These were the words expressed by Moulana Muhammed Yousuf Islahi, Member Central Advisory Council, Jamaat e Islami Hind while addressing the huge gathering at Faraan College ground on Thursday the 16th February 2012.

Continuing his speech he said, this was the forethought of Prophet Muhammed (s) preached so that Umma tried to re-establish itself as the best Community in the world as and when it was suppressed by the evil forces.

He said that this Umma will survive the testing times till the last day (dooms day) as it has the Quran with it. It is Allah SWT promise that he has taken responsibility on to himself to protect Quran and the same lord will protect the Umma.

He said the whole universe is in the fingers of Allah SWT. And Allah SWT acts according to his whims and wishes however the devil forces try to destroy peace and calling people towards right path. Moulana said we do not have the ability to spread the word of Allah SWT, but it is Allah SWT`s will that has made it possible to spread his word through the very people who are opposing this message. The same he did in Prophets (S) period through the acts of Abu Jahal, Abu Lahab, Utba, Shoeba etc and same he is doing with the like of modern media in the hands of opponents of Islam.  The opponents of Islam have introduced Islam to the humanity in wrong way and it is our duty to introduce it in right way. He said today Islam is the most discussed subject.

Quoting the example from the book of Moulan Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi, he said The Muslim Ummah should be upholder of Justice even if it goes against it as it was exhibited by the elderly Islamic scholar during the British period when he gave witness in the court that the disputed land belongs to the Hindus. With such acts by the Muslims it looks that they are being defeated but he said with such acts only the Islam Wins. Today every where Muslims are being defeated but with every defeat Islam is winning the hearts of the common people.  

He expressed his anguish over the fact that we are not practicing Muslims. He called upon the people to make your homes Islamic. This is possible, he said by imparting Islamic education to women. Giving an example of Imam Shafai`s mother, he said she was not happy when her son returned with worldly bounties after completing his education on Hadees, she preached her son to donate whatever he brought. When she saw that her son has kept 10 dirham with him for dinner, she asked do you have faith in this money not in Allah DWT. He also quoted an example of Rabiya Basri.

He called upon the people to become obey the teachings of Prophet Muahmmed PBUH if you are lovers of him. He said we love our ancestors as they loved and practiced Prophet(s).
The program was started with the recitation of Holy Quran by Moulana Muhammed Siraj ul Hasan Jewargi. Jb Mohammed Yousuf Kanni delivered inaugural address. Br Mohammed Bilal, Member SIO from Basavakalyan and Moulan Mazharullah Qasmi Asst Zonal Organizer Hassa sang Naat to the delight of the audience.  

Aim of Islamic Movements : Umma should become a Unit (Ummate e Wahida)

Addressing the huge gathering of the Comapnions (R), Prophet Mumahhed PBUH adised the Umma (the Muslim Community worldwide) towards two things. One to knit yourself in the bond of brotherhood and the other to hold fast to Quran and Sunna, you will be on right path. This message of Prophet Muhammed PBUM him was meant not only for those who were present there but also to all those who were not present there and also to all those who born later till the last day comes. The Muslims though in huge numbers in the word are subjected to all sorts of exploitation and deprivation and are being targeted as they have lost their weight.  Thus need of the hour is The Umma should show strength of Unity. These were the words expressed by Moulana Muhammaed Yousuf Islahi while addressing the Ulema of Gulbarga and Jamaat associated at a function organized by Gulbarga unit of Jamaat e Islami Hind at Naaz Function hall on Thursday the 16th Feb 2012.

Continuing his address he said we have committed a great mistake in history by depriving the farer sex which constitutes half of the Muslim population  with the knowledge of Deen. It was the effort of Islamic movement with establishment of Jamiatu salihat at Rampur for women, the schools Islamic learning are being established by different sects.

The contribution of great personalities like Hasan ul Banna Shaeed, with whose efforts the Islamic movements came into existence for the Establishment of Allahs deen, was killed by the evil at the tender age of 30. Another great personality from Mewat in Uttarparadesh started his movement in the hard prone area by calling people towards deen , as  result we see his followers in every country. And then comes Moulana Moudoodi, who huge literature spread all over the world in translated form brought in great revolution in thinking of young Muslims which paved the way towards establishment of Word of Allah. Moulan Yousuf Islahi said we respect all these great men and said we pray for the success to all those who follow these great leaders. Everyone has his own way of thinking. The basis of one’s thinking should be Quran and Sunna, and after that one can find his path based on Ijtehad (One`s Solution for an issue in hand). The ijtehad may differ from person to person. There may be chances of mistakes in it. However they will get double reward.

Speaking on the Importance of Unity of Umma, Moulana said, because of non existence of Unity there are problems like the issue of Phalastine. He said Islamic Movements came into existence for very purpose of Unity of Umma based on Quran and Sunna so that the whole community gets strength fight against the evil, shirk, elhad. The evil do not see you to which sect or organization you belongs, for it you are a Muslim, and just because of that you are on target. Explaining the meaning of Unity (Etehad)  he said Unity is not that you merge yourself with other but Unity is that by being to your sect, you respect others so that you become one Jamaat.
Commenting on the status of education of Muslim Umma based on Sachar Committee report, he said among those who get education, 96% goes to school and colleges and only 4% goes to madarsas. Among those madarsa goers only 20% carry on for higher education. He said Ulema constitute only 0.6% of Muslim population. Unfortunately fear has been created about these very Madarsa goers by the Batil.

Commenting on the establishment of Madarsa for women in Rampur UP, he said about 3000 girls are being imparted Islamic education and about 60-70 girls are being graduated every year as Alima Fazila. He said with great satisfaction that there is no country in the world  where you do not find the almni of this school as preachers of Islam.

The program was started with the recitation of verses from Holy Quran by Moulan Muhammed Siraj ul Hasan Umri. Moulana Najmuddin Hussain Umri, Asst Organizer, Majlis ul Ulema Tahreek e Islami Karnataka, delivered inaugural address.   

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Quran Pravachan at Laxminarayan Nagar, Gulbarga

The Quran Pravachan Program on "The Fundamental Teachings of Quran" was organised by Local Unit of Jamaat e Isalami Hind at Laxminaraya Nagar extension area of Ghabrey Layout in Gulbarga on Sunaday the 12th February 2012. The dignitaries and the residents from the locality extended their full support to organize the program. Delivering the pravachan Jb Mohammed Ziaullah, President JIH Gulbarga enlightened the audience with the concept of Unity of God, the Prophethood and the Life after death with quotations  from Quran.

The questions quoted after the discourse were answered. 

Speaking on the occasion Mr Shekhayya V Guttedar, Manager, Krishan Grameen Bank, Mr Shankar Chavan, President Laxminarayana Society, Mr Shantappa Jadhav, Asst Engineer, PWD said with such programme one comes to understand religion and these program will bring people closer. Mr Osman Patel, Manager State Bank of Hyderabad expressed his happyness for the support he got in organizing this program. Mr Laal Ahmed Bomby Saith, Corporator, Gulbarga City Corporation also attended the program