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Addressing the huge gathering of the Comapnions (R), Prophet
Mumahhed PBUH adised the Umma (the Muslim Community worldwide) towards two
things. One to knit yourself in the bond of brotherhood and the other to hold
fast to Quran and Sunna, you will be on right path. This message of Prophet
Muhammed PBUM him was meant not only for those who were present there but also
to all those who were not present there and also to all those who born later
till the last day comes. The Muslims though in huge numbers in the word are
subjected to all sorts of exploitation and deprivation and are being targeted
as they have lost their weight. Thus
need of the hour is The Umma should show strength of Unity. These were the
words expressed by Moulana Muhammaed Yousuf Islahi while addressing the Ulema
of Gulbarga and Jamaat associated at a function organized by Gulbarga unit of
Jamaat e Islami Hind at Naaz Function hall on Thursday the 16th Feb
Continuing his address he said we have committed a great
mistake in history by depriving the farer sex which constitutes half of the
Muslim population with the knowledge of
Deen. It was the effort of Islamic movement with establishment of Jamiatu
salihat at Rampur for women, the schools Islamic learning are being established
by different sects.
The contribution of great personalities like Hasan ul Banna
Shaeed, with whose efforts the Islamic movements came into existence for the Establishment
of Allahs deen, was killed by the evil at the tender age of 30. Another great
personality from Mewat in Uttarparadesh started his movement in the hard prone
area by calling people towards deen , as
result we see his followers in every country. And then comes Moulana
Moudoodi, who huge literature spread all over the world in translated form
brought in great revolution in thinking of young Muslims which paved the way
towards establishment of Word of Allah. Moulan Yousuf Islahi said we respect
all these great men and said we pray for the success to all those who follow
these great leaders. Everyone has his own way of thinking. The basis of one’s
thinking should be Quran and Sunna, and after that one can find his path based
on Ijtehad (One`s Solution for an issue in hand). The ijtehad may differ from
person to person. There may be chances of mistakes in it. However they will get
double reward.
Speaking on the
Importance of Unity of Umma, Moulana said, because of non existence of Unity
there are problems like the issue of Phalastine. He said Islamic Movements came
into existence for very purpose of Unity of Umma based on Quran and Sunna so
that the whole community gets strength fight against the evil, shirk, elhad.
The evil do not see you to which sect or organization you belongs, for it you
are a Muslim, and just because of that you are on target. Explaining the
meaning of Unity (Etehad) he said Unity
is not that you merge yourself with other but Unity is that by being to your
sect, you respect others so that you become one Jamaat.
Commenting on the status of education of Muslim Umma based
on Sachar Committee report, he said among those who get education, 96% goes to
school and colleges and only 4% goes to madarsas. Among those madarsa goers
only 20% carry on for higher education. He said Ulema constitute only 0.6% of
Muslim population. Unfortunately fear has been created about these very Madarsa
goers by the Batil.
Commenting on the establishment of Madarsa for women in
Rampur UP, he said about 3000 girls are being imparted Islamic education and
about 60-70 girls are being graduated every year as Alima Fazila. He said with
great satisfaction that there is no country in the world where you do not find the almni of this
school as preachers of Islam.
The program was started with the recitation of verses from
Holy Quran by Moulan Muhammed Siraj ul Hasan Umri. Moulana Najmuddin Hussain
Umri, Asst Organizer, Majlis ul Ulema Tahreek e Islami Karnataka, delivered
inaugural address.
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