An Iftar Party was organized by Jamaat Islami Hind Gulbarga at Grameen Police Station Gunj, Gulbarga on Friday the 5th August 2011 for the staff of the Police Station. Mr Anand N S, the Police Inspector of the Station was the chief guest. Addressing the gathering Mr Mohammed Abdul Qader, Member Local Advisory Council, said Roza, the day long fasting from dawn to sunset in which Muslims abstain from eating drinking and sexual desire to please Almighty Allah SWT as he has instructed them to do so in the Holy Qur`aan. The fasting is to pure oneself from all sorts of evil things. He said this is the month in which our creator has revealed the Noble Quran for the guidance of entire humanity. For the one to be succesful in this life as well as in the life after death he or she has to follow this book and there no other way. Speaking on the importance of Zakaat the compulsory giving of alms to the needy, he said the man has become so greedy that he wants every thing for himself by what ever means it may be. Where as the System of Zakaat developes love and affection for the fellow being, He said as per the police records there were 25000 deaths due to inability to pay interest based loans in Karnataka itself.
Speaking breifly on the occasion Mr Anand SN, the Police Inspector said, such programs will bring hormony in the society. He expressed his happiness that he came to know about the Holy Quran and importance of Roza.
Well done. Masha Allah you have done a good job. We are inspired to do such programme in Chennai too.
ReplyDeleteI think this type of programmes should be organised all over the country. Iftar Party in Police stations is a new concept. We have never heard of it before.
Jazakallah for the posting